Saving My Life

Anything I post on here about PCOS or any other condition, is general information or information I've accumulated in my experience having PCOS or other conditions. I'm not a doctor, so nothing I say should EVER take place of a real diagnosis from your doctor. My eating plan described on this blog is one I've made for myself and I'm constantly changing it according to my body's needs.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Lots of stuff happened tonight....well...lots of stuff has happened over the past several days, but the big, HUGE things happened tonight. I'll blog it as soon as I can.  I want to thank those of you that have stuck by me throughout the hard time I've been having...even when I've had nothing to give back. You will never know how truly blessed I feel to know such wonderful people. As for the followers I've lost, sorry I wasn't what you expected. I am me...and that's ok and you are you and that's ok too. Change is afoot in a big way. Stay tuned....

"So shines a good deed in a weary world." --Willy Wonka


  1. Hey Kim. Staying tuned. Hang in there kiddo.

  2. Do what you need to do, and lots of us are still here for you!

  3. Kim, you have the power of many women behind you who adore you and believe in you, so whatever is afoot, we are ready to put on our hiking boots with you.

  4. Thanks Sharon. :)Thanks to all of you. I'll tell you this much. A lot of GOOD things happened lastnight so you don't have to be scared for me. lol I'm rereading my post and realize now I should have made that a bit clearer. oopsy.

  5. We are hanging in there with you!!!

  6. I am not emailing on your dedication. It was addressing your William post. I think that WHEN LOVE COMES TO TOWN by U2 and BB King is inspiring on so many levels. Of course, U2 has addressed religious violence in Ireland many a time before this song came out. And BB King is wicked famous a jazz musician (and obviously is black). That song was pulling out rocket launcher and aiming it all the haters. A rocket launcher called love. It didn't matter what your hate issue was, it was just blowing it up by saying love was so much bigger. It even said I know where you live because I once there lived too, "but that was the day before love came to town." I just don't know anyone who can listen to that song and not walk away a different person. A happier person. A more loving person. That was the day love came to town.

  7. I love the way you say "pulling out the rocket launcher and aiming it at all the haters". :) I like that song. Thanks for introducing it to me Robin. And as is a perfect fit.
